Dudbul July 31, 1972 - 34B Tierlul

Recording #34B
Place of Recording: Tierlul
Date of Recording: July 31, 1972
Informant: Agwa Alemo
Date of Transcript: March 31, 1973
1 000 Dudbul.
Information: Solo girl singer Sang to common people, all people all the generations. (those who sang songs always are poor) (Sometimes they don’t sleep at night. They are thinking what to do. Who is going to help take care. Many ideas will come and they will sing a song) (Agwa has never heard of rich singers from the area) If the chief wants to give a price, he will be sent to get a cow for the singer. Mentioning the names of his friends after animals of their uncles to give the price to him the singer. This song is not sung for one person but sung for everybody who sympathizes to give me something. If you are mentioned after your animal you wife always will follow next after her fathers’ animals. You will be the first and your wife will be the second in the song. Wives always admired according to their work or after their fathers’ animals. But mostly after their work. Terms: If I give something to somebody, some people admire me. He’s a very nice or good boy. I didn’t expect that he was going to give me that. But some other will say He’s a bad man. I know him, though he gives that he is still bad to me. The term is called KWAATH.
Text: Mentioning when I get married, nobody will pay for my wife. As a report. Expressing the idea to the people in his village for his future life. A lady given to an old man he said though she is given soil if she found it, it will be beer to be drunk. A common word used for kings and chiefs, DOOR ODHOLU a protector of the common people. If the chiefs pay me for my wife, I can marry more than five because the have much money that can be used. Asking or begging for a cow. If the chief wants to give a price to the singer, he will send this man, NYITWEL a messenger. If the daughter of the chief is married, he will be sent to collect money and if there is a war between 2 villages, he will be sent to see the direction or the position of the village. Mentioned after his friends according to their grandfathers and fathers and said, it was the chief who gave me money for marriage. He will be tired of giving me money for marriage any more.
2 171 Dudbul.
Information: Not the chief which is mentioned but the King. JWOLIEL refers to covering children are given after the death of a person. Something like ashes rubbed on them. Juba plane mentioned at the end again.
Text: This man sang a song and he left for long journey. He was requesting his girlfriend and some others, what did the king say. When I was missing. I’m not expecting to miss some price from the king. As we are the bodyguard of the king nothing will attack our village. Hes admiring the king’s leadership saying he is fit to rule all Anuaks as well as the Amhara tribes also. Telling something, said I didn’t like to live in Anuak area because there are many many problems which I am facing. Mentions about his marriage. Though I married, want the common people to hear it. There are those who are going to like him or not. Said because he didn’t like to live in Anuak area because of the problems he was facing.
3 286 Obero.
Information: The common thing for all singers is that they don’t stay in one place but move in every direction. When they are there sometimes, they sing a song to that village king or chief and sometimes they sing for the village they came from. They can remember everything which was said to them. If they are away from the village. If you are away from your village every problem will come to your mind. During Italian wars, there were many people who persecuted from the villages and they gathered together in the forest and to many groups waiting those who were passing by to be killed. They wore demoui and other things. So those who persecuted from the village killed the people and took their possessions. (We have done this one before).
Text: Mentioned in the song about this. OCUDHO was killed because (murdered) of the many things he had. (I might be killed also because of the many prices which have been given to me. The one who fought 2 governments. The Ethiopian and the Arabs at the same time.
4 350 Dudbul.
Information: Mentioning a king as a deer.
Text: Because you rule us as your children, we will have big dance competition to many villages. This year singer said, every king that we crown shows the same leadership. As those which we crowned before. Anybody also who visits our village can admire because of the neatness of the village and happiness of the people. Mentions one of his friends after his animal. Give me something which can be permanent in my home and which cannot be changed to something. Probably refers to wanting a gun.
5 419 Dudbul.
Information: Another voice. A girl. The children 12 or 15 years old can have this kind of song. Sung by one of this generation.
Text: Mentioning his friend. The girls who they know because they aren’t married. They cannot beg for a big thing such as a cow or something like that. They always beg for a bracelet. Beg for only bracelet. Said if demoui is like a wire we can tie another wire to extend it. I sang this song hoping for admiration of the king’s daughters. Hoping that he is going to marry a daughter of the king. The price that you are going to give let it be given out on Sunday when everybody has nothing to do. He’s admiring the girl whom her father named after a crocodile. Saying about a price, a spear. Doesn’t complete the money of marriage (Main idea is that, only one price like a spear will never complete my marriage. I will be in need of more.) Admiring a certain girl who is working nicely. She is always making beer to drink and would mind to give me something. (There is an evil spirit in the area. If that person sees you, you will get sick. He mentions, it was my good luck that, when I was very small the evil eye person saw me and I fell in the fire. Also, evil eye sees me again and I was to be eaten by a crock. I’m leading to bad luck. So, I am going to leave Anuak area. This song admiring those who have ideas to marry each other in the future. So, admiring the girls according to their work.
6 638 Agwaga.
Information: Baro is divided into 2 parts mostly, OGOL are those who live down the river. Those who live beyond Pokwo are called OGOL. Those who live up river are called TIERNAM. There were many wars in the area. Some people want to revenge their dad fathers or brothers.
Text: If I heard that someone killed my father, I would look after the person who killed my father and not after everybody in that village if I see that man, or his son, I’ll kill him. Some people forget that had took place before. They will forget the past. But immediately if they walk to another village they will be killed. A term called ADEDE means those who could not remember what took place before. Mentioning the name of the chief according to the war and the people he killed. From different places. Mentioning in our area, if there is a war the kings will give out everything to encourage the people. Give demoui and command all the women in the village to make beer. He kills cows and food is always there to encourage everybody but they will not think of other things. Will concentrate on the fighting. If your brother dies in the fighting, he will give you demoui for marriage.
7 725 Dudbul.
Information: Ends abruptly. Did you miss it or what happened to you?
Text: I swear in to you because I no father. He’s taking the chief or the king as his father. He’s a poor boy. Giving his ideas. Oto the king. To let the king know. Admiring his girlfriend saying, you are great by me. Your work looks very nice to me. He informs his generation to go to salute to the chief. He said also, this year will be dancing year we the generation of His majesty.
ANUAK Project: FIELD NOTES – July 31, 1972
Retyped: June 17, 2019
12:45 Arrive in Tierlul and find our pleasant spot quite far from the grinder. Quite a bit of time goes by before people become ready to sing. Once we get started, shyness disappears and quite good results are heard. Much of this however seems so much like what we have gathered before. However, I am happy for the lullaby’s which were heard again today.
1 000 Agwaga from Gok. Gok is divided into 2 villages; Gok-Depach and gok-Jangjor. This song is from Gok-depach. The Aguaga is for chief Omot who died in 66 or 65. Sung by Akic Cham. Ojini wrote the music.
2:054 Obero for Omot while he wa alive. From gok Depach sung by Akie Cham from Gok Depach. Ojini wrote.
3 099 Akic singing Nirnam from Gok about an elephant. 9 or 10 years old.
4 130 Nirnam sung by Akic from Gok about an elephant. The hunters refused the simian (certain plant)
5 155 General dancing from Ajwara sung by Olak Omot from Ajwara. About 12 years old. 1959.
6 200 Obero also by Orio and sung by Akal. For Cham while he was still alive: Medno Cham. Orio Kway)
7 274 Obero sung by Apiew Deany from Pokomo. A song from Pokomo for the present chief, Kwot Medho. A new song by Otheti.
Tape 34B
1 000 General dancing from Ojallo composed in 61 and sung by Opiew Olok from Ojalo a very expressive singer. All of the above singes are girls, mostly married in their early twenties. /
2 094 General dancing from Ajwara sung by Akal Omot from Ajwara. Made by Kwot Cham from Ajwara in late 1950s.
3 158 Obero for the head chief, Medho Cham sung by Akal. Written July 1966 by Olio.
4 194 General dancing from Ajwara sung by Aual by Koro in 1950s.
5 208 General Dancing from Ajwara sung by Akal by Koro made during 1950s.
6 233 General dancing from Ojedho sung by Agwok Ajwon from Omedho, a girl of about 10. This song composed by Ajor Owar.
7 360 Agwaga (war song) from Nyikwo written in autumn of 1971, remembered fighting from before. Sung by Agwok.
8 413 General Dancing from Kyikwo made in Sept 1971 sung by Agwok. The singer becomes confused on this one.
Tape 35A 2:40
1 000 Lullaby sung by Akie.
2 037 Lullaby sung by Akal.
3 044 General dancing from Gok sung by Akie by Orio Kway.
4 121 General dancing from Gok-Dep sung by Akie.
5 150 Ahool singing Aguaga from Ajwara.
6 166 General dancing from Pokomo by Olak Kidde in 1966 sung by Ojunga omot.
7 241 General dancing composed by Ojunga from Pokomo in 1965.
8 268 General dancing from Okuna by Bungokidi in 1965 sung by Ojunga
9 430 Nirnam from Kuna about an elephant sung by Ojongi. About 1967. Notice the nonsense words. Very much like English singing.
Tape 35B 3:40
1 000 Nirnam from Okuna sung by Ojongi. Made by Bungokidi in 1968.
2 015 Nirnam from Okuna made by Ojongi about an elephant in 1968.
3 040 Aguaga from Okuna made by Obero against Berrbung. Sung by Ojongi.
4 055 Agwaga from Okona against the village of Berrbung made by Obiro many years ago sung by Ojongi.
5 106 Agwaga from Okuna made by Obiro and sung by Ojongi.
6 116 Agwaga from Okuna made by Obiro. Obiro was from Berrbungo, the village that the song is against. In fact, the songs are against sung by Ojongi.
7 136 General Dancing from Okuna made by and sung by Ojongi. 1969.
8 230 General dancing from Okuna made by and sung by Ojongi.
4:15 Conclude taping session.